Aran Acupuncture is a Chinese Medicine practice in Inis Oírr, Aran Islands. All kinds of pain, illness and injury along with fertility and pregnancy issues are treated here, acupuncture is a complete system of medicine which has been used for 2000 years. Specialist treatments for problem skin and for facial rejuvenation are available.The underlying principle of Chinese Medicine is that illness and pain occur when the body's qi or vital energy cannot flow freely. Acupuncture seeks to re-establish the free flow of qi to restore balance and trigger the body's natural healing response. A safe, side-effect free treatment which will not interfere with other therapies, or interact with any medication you may be taking, acupuncture is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a natural yet powerful solution to pain or illness. A list of conditions which are often treated with acupuncture can be found here.
Visting the clinic
- Please get in touch to arrange your appointment by text or Whatsapp at 087 7787730.
- It is important to have something to eat before coming as your body is actively working during a session.
- Good hydration adds to the success of your treatment. Drink plenty of water prior to and following your appointment.
- Wearing loose clothing to allow easy access to your arms and legs is helpful.
- If you should cancel an appointment giving less than 24 hours notice, you will need to pay for that session in full before making a future booking.
- You can pay by card or cash.
- Treatments take one hour.
The cost of acupuncture treatment can be claimed from all health insurance companies in Ireland.
One hour Acupuncture Treatment: €60.
Pre-Paid Package of 10 Treatments: €550.
- Treatment will include cupping, guasha or moxa when indicated.
- Electro-Acupuncture and Auricular acupuncture are included when indicated.
- Cupping is not offered as a stand-alone therapy.
Specialist Skin Treatments
Problem Skin Treatment: €70.
Pre-Paid Package of 10 Treatments: €650.
- Celluma LED light therapy, in combination with acupuncture, reduces inflammation and bacterial activity.
- The red light increases cellular energy and boosts circulation. In this way the skin is healed naturally.
- LED light can be used to treat skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.
- There is no sensation when using Celluma as no heat is produced.
Synergy Facial: €80.
Pre-paid package of 10 Treatments: €750.
- Advanced facial rejuvenation treatment with Facial Motor Point needling.
- Includes Celluma low-level light therapy and a Micro-current mask.
Aran Acupuncture
Baile an tSéipéil
Inis Oírr
Oileáin Arann
Co. na Gaillimhe
Tel: 087 7787730
© Aran Acupuncture 2024